
Welcome to the Legendary 44s.

Once upon a time in a land far away a group of men were born. Some were raised in the wild, others in the canyons of wall street all came together to form the legendary 44s. This site will allow you to experience the incredible adventures of this band of merry men as they ride through one crazy journey after another!

The 44s is a gathering of rider enthusiasts whose common interest is to promote adventure riding on the road and in the mud. The clubs initial efforts were in the Southern Ontario Canada, but now chapters span all across North America.

More adventures are planned for the future. Please revisit this web site for more information on membership, the magazine, discounts with area dealers, rallies, track days, and other events to come. We always welcome like-minded riders, members and volunteers!

IMG_3034The 44s watering the horses at the Longhorn Saloon, Bandera, TX after riding “The Three Sisters“.  Also known as the “The Hundred Mile Loop” (RR335, RR336 & RR337) are without a doubt the best motorcycle roads to be found in the Hill Country of Texas.

Perfect asphalt for the 44s following canyons and climbing over jagged, steep and crumbling hills.  They have tight twisty curves with shear drop offs and not much in the way of guard rails. A great section had 65 curves in 15 miles, reminded me of The Tail of the Dragon highway 129 at Deals Gap, NC.

Click here for a full list of our trips