2013 Feb – AROUND AMERICA 2.0 – Atlanta to Houston
The Chairman and Moto forked off on the Around America 2.0 Tour to run through the winter months.
The Chairman and Moto forked off on the Around America 2.0 Tour to run through the winter months.
The Chairman and Grindstone sneak in a little bike trip before golfing at Pinehurst, NC covering the Blueridge Parkway and The Tail of The Dragon and a little jaunt out the coast.
Due to an unfortunate run-in with America’s Iron Curtain, Grindstone was left on his own to complete the journey of the first Around America Tour.
In the middle of our Round America Tour of 2010-2011 we held up in Phoenix Arizona and 10 additional members of the 44s joined us for a loop around one of the most diverse States in the union. Great adventures were underway.
The first leg of our first Around America trip was launched in late October in the rain. But soon enough the riding was awesome through Skyline Drive from Front Royal, VA down the Blueridge Parkway including the Tail of the Dragon at Deal’s Gap, NC ending in Atlanta, GA.
In April of 2010 the 44s ventured down to the Lone Star State to meet up with two ex Pats Red and Canuck for a loop around Texas with a big finish over with the Three Sisters.
July 10, 2009 we headed down to the Ocean Mecca at Ocean City Maryland for a week on the boardwalk.